Nodaway Amber’s Dark Moon ++*B (PB)

1992 Sundgau. 23% inbred, with SS Ariel, Sorcerer, Stella’s Strike, and Flint Abba as top contributors.

VEE 88 @ 3yo

D/avg 81.8

2SG, 1 GCH offspring


D: SGCH Nodaway Sorcerer’s Amber 3*M EEEE 90 @7yo

DD: SGCH Sudbury Hill SS Ariel 2*M
VEEE 90@6yo, VEEE 91 @ 4yo
’88 Reserve National CH. 4 lact >3000lb (picture HERE)

DS: SG Nodaway Mystical Sorcerer ++*B
EEE 90 @6yo D/avg 2471#M, 85.5 FS
8 SGCH, 5 SG, 9GCH offspring

S: Nodaway Moon Dragon ++*B VVE 87 @3yo

SD: SGCH Sudbury Hill SS Ariel 2*M
VEEE 90@6yo, VEEE 91 @ 4yo
’88 Reserve National CH. 4 lact >3000lb (picture HERE)

SS: Nodaway Sorcerer Lunacy *B VEE 87 @5yo