Some of my favorite Soldier Mountain and Redwood Hills animals are in the pedigree of this handsome POLLED american alpine buck.
While I don’t have much info on his dam, I know the Soldier Mountain animals are held to a high standard so if used in a polled breeding program, strong efforts were made to produce very nice polled animals. Though young, Hangover Results (pictured above) has very promising structure. His pedigree does have lots of strong foundation animals with a firm background in production.

To highlight a few relatives –
SSD: GCH Redwood Hills Affirmed Azulla 1*M 05-06 EEEE 91. A productive doe peaking around 12lbs/day on most lactations. A photo of her can be seen HERE on the Redwood Hills facebook page.
SSS: SG Tempo Aquila Zodiac ++*B 04-04 VE+ 87 – D/Avg 2845lbs. 3 SGCH, 8 SG, 2 GCH offspring. Please see his page on the Redwood Hills website (owners) HERE.
SDD: Soldier-Mtn RHRS Hott as Ice 4*M 05-03 EVEE 90 . To see her pictures, please see her reference page HERE on the Soldier Mountain website.
DS: Redwood Hills Jazz Rimrock ++*B D/Avg 2733lbs. Has produced 1SGCH, 1 SG, 4GCH, and 1 CH offspring. Please see some of his nice offspring on the Tempo Aquila’s semen sales page, HERE.
DD: GCH Soldier-Mtn X-Rated Innuendo 3*M 06-04 VEEE 91. Many respectible lactations but as both a 3 and 4 year old, produced over 3000lbs. Please see her page on the Soldier Mountain website, HERE.
DSS: Redwood Hills Sierra Jazzman ++*B D/avg 3437lbs milk. 1 SGCH, 1 SG, 1 GCH offspring. To see a daughter that was in the Redwood Hills herd, click HERE.
DSD: SGCH Redwood Hills X-rated Rima 11*M 05-00 EEEE 93. National GCH in 2012 and JGCH in 2009. Productive, sound, and showy. If you don’t know who Rima is, you must not raise Alpines. Nothing further need said. 😉 For pictures, please click HERE to go to the Redwood Hills website.
DDD: GCH Soldier-Mtn PVLM Madame Maxime 06-04 EEEE 92 – Another one of my favorite Soldier-Mtn does. Producing 3970lbs as a 4 year old, she was also extremely productive. To see her page on the Soldier-Mountain website, Click HERE.
DDS: Shining-Moon X-Rated ++*B D/avg 2784lbs. Note that he is also the sire of Redwood Hills X-rated Rima, above – a NGCH and JGCH. He has 6 SGCH, 2 SG, 7 GCH, and 4 CH offspring. See his reference page on the Redwood Hills website, HERE.
While she is not exactly close on the pedigree, the dam line for the Sire’s side is direct from “SG Soldier-Mtn Lady Agatha 2*M 03-06 EEEV 90” herself – a doe I remember seeing and hearing of when I was very young and just starting in Alpines and admiring her even then. Though not on his 4gen ped, Agatha is not so far away that I didn’t immediately recognize her dam line in this pedigree. This far back, we can only hope some of her strong traits come through. Most known for her unusual WHITE color, she was also a Top 10 doe as a YEARLING producing 4792lbs. She produced 14890lbs in 1077 DIM lifetime – or an average of 13.8lbs per day in milk. See her reference page HERE on the Soldier Mountain website.