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09-06 EEVE 91
2013 American Alpine

08-06 EVEE 90
2014 French Alpine

01-05 GV++ 81; AVGG 80 @2yo (permanent injury to HQ)
2021 French Alpine
QMF IV’s Inquisition x Brisbane (POLLED)

French Alpine
DNA on file, Casein A/E – SEMEN AVAILABLE. Sold back to Pleasant-Grove in Fall 2024 after using him on a doe or two before he went.

French Alpine
Casein E/F, DNA on file. Sold Fall 2024

2021 French Alpine GEVV 87@2yo
Red x GCH Roeburn’s Legacy +*B *ELITE* AI
Caprice Acres SV Zosime – 2023 doe kid (picture on page)

2022 French Alpine
Brazen x CH La Sierra Wahoo (POLLED)
Caprice Acres Wahoo Bodacious – Pictures on his page (click name)
French Alpine
Casein A/B, DNA on file

2020 French Alpine
Elise x Mathias

2020 American Alpine
Panache x Mathias

POLLED – DNA On File, Casein B/01 – Semen Available

03-06 VVE 88
pictured 2/23/19 3yo

02-07 VVVV 87
03-08 VEV+ 86
Good Ole Days Courage Israel
2018 Buck, purchased 2019 as part of herd buyout. Used to breed a few does in the Quarter – Mile herd and one doe of mine.
Caprice Acres Literati
2018 daughter of Glitterati x Weizenbock
Caprice Acres Isabella
2018 daughter of Elise x Weizenbock
The Monarch Jr – 2017 doe purchased in 2019.
Pictured while in Isolation.

Weizenbock x MJ

DNA On File, Casein E/F – Semen Available

– Jr Herdsire 2021/2022 – DNA and Casein Pending

late 2019 French Alpine

2020 American Alpine
Glitterati x SG Sodium Oaks SP Wahoo +*B (AI)

Early May 2022 (5m)
Country Winds Zipporah
Fall 2017
Barn name: Zip
Reg#: A1760232
DOB: 12/21/15
Book: Purebred French
Color: Cou Clair
Sold 1/6/18
LINK: ADGA Genetics Pedigree
Linear Appraisal History
2016 YS 5 mon: V+V, overall V
2017: +++A 78
Age DIM #M %F #F %P #P Peak#
1-03 258 1242 3.9 48 3.3 41 6.1
Zip was purchased shortly after Panache was born as a single. Zip is 2 weeks older, but was born a small triplet and is therefore even smaller than Panache the newborn! She is definitely full of spunk and I forsee no problems getting her to breeding weight easily her first fall. 🙂 Without more kids due till mid-march, I needed a companion for Panache. I fully expected to buy this doe and sell her as a bred doeling in fall but have since decided to keep her around as a French replacement. My main goal is French, after all – and I cannot keep all these American kids.
Zip will likely mature and improve some with time, but I do not think she will be comparable to my home bred animals. If I could have a bigger herd, I think it would be interesting to work with her to improve upon her. I hate to ‘give up’ on a FF doe because I’ve time and again seen FF’ers that seem like they won’t be anything but average and then with more fresheners they really mature, and become lovely animals (believe it or not, my Elise was one of those!) What most FF’ers need is patience. Unfortunately with our small herd we cannot take the time to grow them all out. I do think that Zip would be best suited to a backyard milking herd both because of her personality, and also at this point in time she is probably not of the quality to base a breeding herd on nor is she the quality to save bucklings out of for herdsire prospects. She has some faults such as spread toes and curling toes that will likely lead to her being functional with proper regular maintenance, but her feet will never be ‘nice’ likely. She also has a bit of a steeper rump (again, may level with maturity – I’ve seen it happen before), and only average production as a FF. FF production often is a poor indicator of future production – many does at least double their first freshening production levels.
With another home-bred French doeling born in 2017 (Irish Red), I will be keeping her instead of Zipporah.
KIDDED 3-13-17 – Twin bucklings
Breeding plans:
Zipporah is CONFIRMED BRED to Sunrising Charmer Weizenbock *B (01-06 V+V 86) for 2018 March kids!
Sept 2017 – At appraisal
Summer 2017
March 2017
3/17/17, only 2d fresh. She is still a bit nervous and hunchy on the stand.
Caprice Acres Disco Volante *B 
(click his name for link to his page on the PB AI sires list)
Deceased Dec 2017
Littermate brother to SG Caprice Acres Elise 2*M 03-06 VVEE 90.
Dam is SG Grace-Hill Magnolia 1*M 03-02 VVEV 87 (see below).
Sire is SG Sunshine Rehma Reprise ++*B 04-00 VEE 88 (see below)
Disco passed away suddenly, Dec 2017. He was a little thin after rut, but not too scary – we simply started him on grain in addition to his free choice hay. He was happily coming out for breakfast every morning until suddenly – he didn’t. He was found passed away and without any symptoms noticed by my father that led up to his death. If they were subtle signs, my father could easily have missed them especially if they are still eating, or it could simply have been sudden. The last time I saw him before he died, I noted he was thin – but not deathly so – and had good eye membrane color and was in normal spirits. He was happily hogging my attention and fighting off the other buck (Whizzer) so that he got all my attention. Unfortunately I couldn’t get home when he passed away, so I was unable to necropsy him to look for any reasons for death.
Thankfully, Disco was bred to one of my does and several of my friends’ does for 2018 kids. My breeding is a fairly strong linebreeding on my foundation doe (Disco’s Dam), Magnolia, as well as his sire, Reprise. CLICK HERE for the planned pedigree. I am strongly considering keeping kid(s) from this breeding.
In addition, Disco was successfully collected in the fall of 2017. We have about 30 straws of him in the AI tank. He is therefore still listed on my website under purebred AI sires.
Caprice Acres Danziger Tertia
Few days of age (littermate brother in background)
Few days old, before disbudding.
I am absolutely smitten with this AI daughter of Tempo Aquila Danziger (check out his PEDIGREE!) and SG Caprice Acres Elise 2*M 03-06 VVEE 90. Elise is doing well as a 2nd fresh. At around 30d fresh she did over 10lbs, which I am quite pleased with. Hoping she continues to follow in her dams’ footsteps production-wise. Her dams’ last successful lactation was a very respectable 3650lbs despite a heavy parasite load early in the season. Danzigers’ pedigree boasts many of the top does from the Tempo herd- extreme LA scores AND production! To top it all off, she has beautiful markings – She is both a regular chamoisee, but with the added delight of ‘swiss’ pattern (like a sundgau, but not black!) I don’t breed for color but when it’s pretty, its frosting on the cake. 😉
Selling this doeling was extremely tough but she’s on to her new home now.
Barn name: Bungie
Reg#: PA1510980
DOB: 5/29/09
Book: Purebred
Color: Black with white strip on poll
Spring 2011, 2YO, 5/31/11 (almost 3 months fresh). This picture angle doesn’t show her rear udder very well. You can KINDA see it bulging out behind her legs. It is very nicely attached, but as a FF doesn’t have the depth of rear barrel she has developed as a mature doe.
6YO, DRY. 8-9-15
11-15-2015, DRY and 3mon Preg
3/10/14 – 7 days fresh. Giving a pint shy of a GALLON PER MILKING.
3/10/14 – 7 days fresh. Giving a pint shy of a GALLON PER MILKING.
Linear Appraisal
2011 02-03 (2 year old FF) : +VVV 85
2012 03-02 (2nd fresh) : VVEV 87
2013 (4 year old 3rd fresh) : VV+V 87
2014 (5 YO, 4th fresh) : ++++ 83 (I can’t blame her for trying to bite the appraiser, lol!)
In her final year of appraisal I almost waived her as she wasn’t in the best body condition due to her extreme milk production as well as being hit pretty hard by parasites. 2014 was the first year I was away for the majority of the time due to starting vet school, and Dad and I had to learn how to manage the animals with me away most of the time. It was another learning curve for us. She still produced an amazing quantity of milk, and despite her final LA score I’m proud to have her as my french alpine foundation doe. We had hopes of appraising her again, but that just was not in the cards.
DRY 2010 – Bungie was dry for the 2010 season.
FRESHENED 3/5/11 – Bungie kidded 3/5/11 with twin bucklings. Peaked at 10lbs/day.
FRESHENED 3/7/12 – Kidded 3/7/12 with twin bucklings AGAIN. GRRRR! 🙂 As of 6/4/12 she is giving about 13lbs of milk per day.
FRESHENED 6/4/13 – with triplets – 2 bucks, 1 doeling.
FRESHENED 3/3/14 – with Triplets – 2 Does, 1 buck! Keeping the buckling (Disco Volante) and a doeling (Elise). Bungie is easily producing over a gallon PER MILKING this year.
DRY 2015 – Was confirmed bred AI, but must have slipped kids in early pregnancy. Open 2015.
DRY 2016 – confirmed bred but aborted ~5 weeks early.
After two years of abortions, I have opted to have Bungie euthanized and a necropsy performed to determine cause. She has cost us a lot in the two open years and at this point is most valuable to us with information. I am sad to see such an otherwise healthy and hard working doe go, but I cannot house her if she doesn’t give back. I am thankful for the daughter and son I have from her last successful kidding. (Disco and Elise), and that there are also several ‘grandkids’ in the area as well.
Necropsy results revealed amyloidosis of the uterus, which is NOT contagious but rendered her uterus unable to support a pregnancy. A bittersweet end.
2013/2014 AI sires
SG Sunshine Rehma Reprise ++*B
** Elite sire **
LA: 04-00 VEE 88
Sire of :
SG Caprice Acres Elise 2*M 03-06 VVEE 90
Caprice Acres Disco Volante *B
As of 11/22/17, Reprise had 43 daughters on test with 1.74 lactations recorded. Milk production averages were 2236lbs, 78lbs fat, 65lbs protein. PTA’s were +141 milk, +5.8 fat, and +4.9 protein. (Info courtesy of CDCB website).
He also has 1 SGCH daugher, 26 SG offspring, and 2 CH daughters. He has 32 daughters appraised a total of 44 times, average FS 86.2
His dam, SGCH Sunshine Clare Rehma 3*M 05-02 EEEE 93 (and 04-01 EEEE 91) was 1st place 5 year old/best udder 1998 Natl’s. (See another pic HERE!)
DD: SG Sunshine Advancer Rohma 2*M 05-03 VEVE 90
SD: SGCH Nodaway Sorcerer’s Ayla 3*M 06-03 EEEE 91
Reprise has many beautiful PRODUCTIVE daughters and a strong dam line. Please see more information on the REFERENCE page. 🙂
Pictures courtesy of the Cherry Glen website! Thank you!
2008 LA 01-04: EEV 90
Daughters average 2760lbs of milk, 86lbs fat, 79lbs protein
8 daughters with 12 appraisals average 87.6 FS.
Gentry sired my 2013 doe, Caprice Acres Glitterati 2*M on the ‘Alpine Does’ page
DAM: SGCH Cherry Glen Radical Gesture 3*M EX93
2006 Nationals GCH and Best Udder, 2004 RGCH/Best Udder and 2005 ADGA Nationals RGCH. Her production is spectacular, as well. There is just tons of good breeding behind this boy.
Gentry has sired 2 National Champions!
GCH Cherry Glen Gentry Bridget 1*M
3x Grade National CH and Best Udder – 2014, 2016, 2017
2013, 2014, 2015 Top Ten
GCH Cherry Glen Gentry Granite 8*M
2016 Alpine National CH and Best Udder
(SEE PHOTOS HERE – scroll down)
Barn name: Kessa
Reg#: PA1510975
DOB: 3/2/09
Book: Purebred
Color: Sundgau with black ears and striped legs
5/31/11, almost 3 months fresh
6/4/12, 12 hrs milk. About 3 mon. fresh. Giving 4.5lbs/milking (9lbs/day)
6/4/12, 12 hrs milk. 3 mon fresh. Giving about 4.5 lbs/milking (9lbs/day)
6/4/12, 12 hrs milk. 3 mon fresh. Giving 4.5 lbs/milking (9lbs/day)
Linear Appraisal
2011: 02-05 +++V 84
2012: 03-04 VEVV 87
Freshened 4/28/10 with a single small buck kid.
Freshened 3/2/11 with buck/doe twins. She gave 7.8lbs on milk test on 4/22/11. Freshened 3/9/12 with buck/doe twins. As of 6/4/12, she is giving about 4.5lbs per milking, or 9lbs per day.
Freshened 3/2/13 with Quads – 2 bucks/2 does. Sired via AI by SGCH Cherry Glen Password Gentry +*B EEV 90! Kept a daughter who is now SG Caprice Acres Glitterati 2*M 04-06 VVEE 90
Kessa earned her star during her 2011 lactation!
Barn name: Sally
Reg#: PA1587267
DOB: 3/9/12
Book: Purebred
Color: Cou Blanc
I would’ve liked to have kept Sally, however she was bred several times in 2013 and never settled, so she was sold at auction unregistered.
6/7/13 pm, 5 days fresh. Giving about a 4.5lbs/milking!
6/7/13pm, 5 days fresh. Giving 4.5lbs/milking!
Linear Appraisal
2012 YS (5 mon) : VVV Overall V
2013: +V++ 81
Kidded 6/3/13 with twin bucklings.
Barn name: Patience
Reg#: PA1644333
DOB: 6/4/13
Book: Purebred
Color: Black
Sold 1/18/15
11month old FF, 5/25/14 – she really is not swaybacked but she is never collared/led and was pretty sure I was trying to kill her… 😛
A relaxed pose to show her level back. 🙂
Late July 2014
Late summer 2013
This is my ‘third time’s the charm’ doe kid. FINALLY a daughter out of Grace-Hill Magnolia! She had given me twin bucks in 2011, 2012 – and then two MORE bucks in 2013 in addition to this gorgeous solid black doeling, which I decided needed to be named PATIENCE! 🙂
Linear Appraisal
2013 YS: VV+ overall V
2014: A+AA
– Patience isn’t quite 1 year old at appraisal, less than 1 month fresh, and was a 11mon FF this year. She is very immature, but comment made that she is a functional animal with potential.
Freshened 4/11/14 with a single large black doeling – SOLD (Caprice Acres Terra)