1-07 305 3170 3.9 124 3.0 96
Thanks to Ben Rupchis @ Bearly Alpines for the image! 🙂
01-03 VEV 88
D/avg 3227#M 120#F 95#P
An American ELITE sire with amazing daughter average production. Have had one set of twins from him in 2022 out of SG Caprice Acres Glitterati 1*M EX91, Absinthe and Cointreau!
Dam: SG Antiquity LAS Alice 7*M 04-04 90 VEEE
3-00 305DIM 3330#M 3.2%F 2.7%P
4-02 * 305DIM 4870#M 5%F 2.8%P (top 10)
5-03 305 3680#M 4.5%F 2.6%P
DD: SG Cherry Glen MMM Meridian 6*M 8-04 EEEE 92
Life 1618 DIM 10997#M 3.0%F 2.7%P
DS: Laurelwood Acres Satellite ++*B 01-06 AEE 85
D/avg 3005#M 100F 86P
DDD: SGCH Sweet Dreams R. Unbridled 5*M 07-00 EEEE 92
Life 1114DIM 10340#M 3.2%F 2.8%P
DDS: SG Madera SOS Mr. Majestic ++*B 03-03 VVE 88
D/avg 2434 86#F 72#P
DSD: GCH Laurelwood Acres Knevil 5*M 06-04 EEVE 93
Life 1320DIM 9020#M 3.7%F
DSS: GCH Laurelwood Acres Nobility ++*B 03-02 VEE 90
Sire: SG Sodium Oaks Sasin ++*B 04-01 80 A++
D/avg 2937 107#F 82#P
The ugly buck that is probably the most famous herdsire in the alpine breed ever.
SD: GCH Sodium Oaks Kiwi Mallow 3*M 04-04 91 EEEEÂ
4-11 305 3130#M 3.7%F
Nationals RCH 1982
SS: SGCH Sodium Oaks Royal Risk ++*B 03-04 85 V+E
D/avg 2873#M 100#F 73 #P
SSS: SG Sodium Oaks Port Salut ++*B 02-03 85 V+E
SSD: GCH Sodium Oaks T.C. Peregrine 4*M 04-03 +VEV 86
Life: 1247DIM 10260#M 3.9%F (8.23#/day avg)
SDS: GCH Sodium Oaks Kiwi ++*B 04-05 +E+ 86
D/avg 2748#M 100#F 79#P
SDD: Sodium Oaks Jamaca 2*M 05-06 +AEF 79
Life: 1780 DIM 12070#M 3.8%F