Barn name: Red
Reg#: PA1845171
DOB: 3/17/17
Book: Purebred French Alpine
Color: Two tone chamoisee; Wattles
Casein: B/E
** DNA ON FILE ** (Parentage verified)
LINK: ADGA Genetics Pedigree
Linear Appraisal History
2019 – 02-06 VVV+, E in back. Udder score for lack of capacity – see notes on ‘2019’ below for further explanation.
2022 – 05-06 EEEV 90, E’s in rear legs, back, and rump.
2023 – 6yo – VEVE 90
2024 – Dry
Yr Age DIM #M %F #F %P #P Peak#
’19 2-00 204 1100 3.5 38 3.1 34 7.3#
’20 2-11 334 1820 2.8 51 2.9 54 7#
’21 3-00 260 2750 4.5 123 3.1 86 11.9#
’22 4yo 271 2310 4.2 97 3.5 80 10.1#
’23 5-11 286 2785 3.7 102 3.1 86 14.2#
’24 – dry
OPEN 2018 – Confirmed bred, but aborted. Confirmed toxoplasmosis as cause.
2019 – 1 B – Sold as wether.
2020 – 1B – Polled. RETAINED – Registered as Caprice Acres Outback Brisbane.
2021 – 1D 1B – Sired by GCH Roeburn’s Legacy +*B *ELITE*. FINALLY twins. and FINALLY Red is starting out with a beautiful udder and good production, hitting over 11lbs on her first 2 milk tests including her 2nd test just 1 week after moving to the new farm.
2022 – 1 polled chamoise buck sired by SG Evermore Outback ++*B (full sibling to Caprice Acres Outback Brisbane) Sold, registered as Melbourne.
2023 – 2D 1B sired by Mathias. Retained doe, Lucretia. Sold littermates Fiddle Fever and Minerva.
2024– OPEN.
2025 –
2025 Breeding plans:
QMF Carrier of the Stone – See breeding chart for more info! (HERE)
Red is an exciting doe. I think she is a great amalgam of my foundation French lines and my Jr herdsire’s showy and productive genetics. For more information on her lines, please click the names of her parents below to read more about each! I think with maturity she will fit in nicely here.
2019 – – The herd has moved to the amazing care at QMF farm, and a few kinks had to be worked out in the new dynamic herd with many more does than ever previous. The does freshened very strong but shortly thereafter, herdwide decreases in production and body condition were seen, which we attributed was due to poor hay quality having only a first cut hay available. We had the quantity, but not the quality needed for peak production. Coupled with a very wet spring and summer, ability to cut new hay to make up the deficit was nearly impossible for a long time. We scrambled to correct and began chaffhaye and alfalfa pellets but the insult came at a critical point in lactation and does across the board from both herds just didn’t bounce back. It’s all a learning curve plus a large factor of the growing seasons 2018-2019 – together the two herds are hoping positive changes were made and really hopeful for better luck in hay for 2020! We knew there would be growing pains, so this is just a hiccup. 🙂 2yo FF lactation FURTHER tapered off after she became mysteriously ill in mid August with fevers of unknown origin. She lost weight and milk production. Though she survived and did well with treatment, I think her lactation had just seen too much trial and tribulation to continue strongly. She was kept in milk until appraisal where she unfortunately had a low udder score due to lack of capacity – which we cannot disagree with! Especially after Lap AI she was pretty much drying herself up, so we dried her early as a FF. Hoping for better things in 2020 for this girl who has had a rather hard go of it – aborting in 2018 from toxoplasmosis, then a weird first lactation. 😉 She is genetically valuable enough to me to keep trying, hopefully 2020 is going to show us what she is ‘really’ like!
2020 – Another year with a single buck, another ho hum year. We battled nutrition problems in the whole herd, growing pains. They were severe, leading to little/no colostrum production herdwide and lower than expected herd production compared to genetics and previous lactations on the entire herd. She managed to settle AI to Legacy for 2021 kids, with plans to sell her after kidding and hoping for a doe kid.
2021 – Well, Red may finally be the doe I wanted her to be. She had twins by Legacy, with a doe to retain. First tests are well over 11lbs. We are happy to be working with a nutritionist as herdwide numbers are more appropriate for their genetics and backgrounds now, and the entire herd looks amazing – Red included. She may just stick around a little longer with her daughter. Her CDCB numbers are kinda funky because of the move, I hope I combined the two “lactations” (one test day was done at QMF, the rest at the new farm) correctly above. Usually ADGA does this but their website still can’t do anything with this data so will change to the ‘official’ ADGA recognized lactation when they get around to that…
2023 – TRIPLETS sired by EX90 Mathias *ELITE*, and she freshened beautifully. Retained daughter, Lucretia. An exciting lactation getting close to 14lbs milk was hindered mid-lactation by a bout of severe inappetence/no milk during an odd illness. She was treated for ulcers and eventually recovered, but never did come back to previous production. She still managed to appraise EX90 with an E in udder again by appraisal so I’m pleased with that. As I write this in mid September, we’re also dealing with poor hay quality but she is still producing admirably. Another update – in late October 2023 she also presented with Listeriosis symptoms. While I think we are going to be able to save her as of this writing she has done her time in the ‘sick pen’ and is now in the general population again – it shut her lactation right down obviously. She still has facial paralysis but she seems able to feed her self and drink well enough to maintain. Of course she is only a few short weeks past breeding, so time will tell if she confirms as pregnant. This poor goat will never have a ‘good year’. She started out so promising this spring and was absolutely cranking milk. This year she has dealt with the weird illness (treated as ulcer), access to poor hay quality mid-lactation (first cut grass hay rather like straw), and now listeriosis. Thankful she had time to recover from the weird ulcer-like illness enough to appraise as well as she did. Hoping her daughter retained 2023 (Lucretia) has better luck as a brood doe.
Dam: SG Caprice Acres Elise 2*M EVEE 90 @10yo
Sire: Sunrising Charmer Weizenbock *B 02-04 VEE 87

Red, 2020

5/23/18, Dry Yearling
Red, Jun 2021