Barn name: Ash
Reg#: AA1759024
DOB: 1/2/16
Book: American
Color: Chamoisee with cream/black trim; leg stripes
Casein: O1/O1
** DNA ON FILE ** (Parentage verified)
LINK: ADGA Genetics Pedigree
Linear Appraisal History
2016 YS (5mon) VVE, overall V. “E” in rear legs
2017 01-08 +VVV 84. E in Rump
2018 02-06 VVVV 87. E in rump
2019 – 03-08 VEV+ – E’s in Head, back, and rump. Low rear udder explains the + in mammary.
Yr Age DIM #M %F #F %P #P Peak#
’17 1-02 257 1823 3.6 65 2.6 48 9.5
’18 2-04 176 1580 3.1 49 2.4 38 11.3
’19 3-02 194 1400 2.1 29 2.1 29 10.6 – see notes under 2019 for this lactation
3/14/17 – 1B 1D sired by Caprice Acres Disco Volante *B The buck was wethered, the doe sold with reg application.
5/23/18 – 1B 1D sired by Sunrising Charmer Weizenbock *B (02-04 VEE 87)
3/30/19 2B sired by Pleasant-Grove RR Mathias *B. sold as wethers.
2/24/20 – 1D 1B – tricolor sundgau doe with tan legs/face stripes and white tail triangle and star on forehead. Buckling is chamoise with white splash on side.
Breeding plans:
Panache’s arrival was a great way to start 2016. This pedigree is packed with some of my very favorite Cherry Glen animals. As a FF, I felt she is still in need of a lot of maturity, though when appraised as a FF yearling I am extremely pleased with her score. Structurally, there is not much to complain about, she just needs to gain capacity with maturity. Her traits are all +, V, or E. and I’ve learned I need to not despair over young stock and instead give them some time and patience. After all, ideal animals are based on a 4-5 year old animal, not a ‘baby’ at just a year of age. 😉 She is extremely easy to milk with a very soft, pliable udder and large orifices that make milking her either by hand or machine a dream. She peaked high and fast, and while she kept on at a respectable amount for a first freshening animal, I am hoping for better persistence and quantity on future lactations. She likely has a spot in this herd for years yet.
2018 Freshening shows promise, but she is still a gangly 2 year old and needs maturity. I believe she will be one worth waiting for with time.
2019 The herd has moved to the amazing care at QMF farm, and a few kinks had to be worked out in the new dynamic herd with many more does than ever previous. The does freshened very strong but shortly thereafter, herdwide decreases in production and body condition were seen, which we attributed was due to poor hay quality having only a first cut hay available. We had the quantity, but not the quality needed for peak production. Coupled with a very wet spring and summer, ability to cut new hay to make up the deficit was nearly impossible for a long time. We scrambled to correct and began chaffhaye and alfalfa pellets but the insult came at a critical point in lactation and does across the board from both herds just didn’t bounce back. It’s all a learning curve plus a large factor of the growing seasons 2018-2019 – together the two herds are hoping positive changes were made and really hopeful for better luck in hay for 2020! We knew there would be growing pains, so this is just a hiccup. 🙂 Panache is improving structurally, but her rear udder is low – where did that come from in her star-studded pedigree? 😀 Goat genetics are funny like that. Functionally she’s just fine, still staying around as a brood doe.
DAM: SG Caprice Acres Glitterati 2*M, 03-03 VVEE 90. “Sydney” or “Syd” as we know her is a big, structurally sound doe with a beautifully well attached udder. She was immature for her yearling appraisal as a FF, and is improving as I’d hoped. She really needed a freshening with multiples and some maturity, and she finally kidded triplets and it made a distinct improvement on her production and body capacity. This is evidenced as a 4yo 3rd fresh in 2017 when she appraised EX90 and earned her SG status. She surpassed that achievement even in 2018, having quads in March, peaking at 15.3# of milk, and appraising EEVE 91 for her 5 year old permanent score. Click her name to go to her page!
DS: SGCH Cherry Glen Password Gentry +*B 01-04 90 EEV (pictured above left) D/Avg 2774lbs, 93lbs fat, 81lbs prot. His daughters include 1 SGCH, 5 SG animals (including our Glitterati, Panache’s dam), and 2 GCH. His Daughter, GCH Cherry Glen Gentry Bridget 1*M is a 3x Recorded Grade National Champion (2014, 2016, 2017). He also sired the 2016 Alpine National champion, GCH Cherry Glen Gentry Granite 8*M, who placed well as 1st 4/5 year old at the 2017 Nationals as well. Both of these girls have multiple lactations in the 3000lb range.

DSD: SGCH Cherry Glen Radical Gesture 3*M 07-03 93 EEEE. (Pictured above right) She was National GCH/Best Udder in 2006, National RGCH/Best udder in 2004 and RGCH in 2005. Lots of lactations in the 3000-4000lb range! LIFE 2067 22480 3 672 2.5 566

SIRE: SGCH Cherry Glen Radical Hallmark +*B 05-04 EEE 93 is Panache’s sire. Click his name to go to his page, where you will find pictures and read more info! One of a few other bucks to achieve such a high LA score. Over 25 total appraisals on 10 daughters in 3 herds, their average FS is 88.4, so he’s producing very structurally sound offspring. To top it all off, his daughters average 3260lbs. His offspring include 5 SGCH, 4 SG (including Panache!), 1 GCH and 3 CH as of 2016.
SD: SGCH Cherry Glen T. Holly’s Hope 2*M 05-04 92 EEEE was 2001 National Champion/Best Udder, 2003 Reserve National Champion/Best Udder. 9x BIS, and could milk: LIFE 1763 16840 3.8 643 2.5 426. Click her name to go to the Cherry Glen Website, then scroll down to the 2nd animal in the list for her picture and info.
Thank you to Cherry Glen and Mamm-Key for permission to use photos!